
Follow To the Left, To the Left

For information on political issues, Twitter can act as a news aggregator, a type of real-time Delicious where you find out the articles shaping opinions as they happen.

Some people have become prolific in their poli-tweets, giving insight through obscure blogs and articles which may never have come to light. Through retweeting, these articles change opinions often more effectively than mainstream media which has been coming under fire as of late.

Political tweets are generally divided into 2 camps: the left-wing and the right-wing. These are usually noted by their hashtags. Leftwing people tend to use #p2, the preferred “progressive 2.0” hashtag, with #topprog (Top Progressives) and the lesser-used #rebelleft (usually for more left-leaning tweeters). Republicans and those on the right tend to use #tcot (Top Conservatives On the Net), #iamthemob (which lets people know that the “town hall mobs” are comprised of real people who identify as such), and both sides lately have been using tags such as #hcr (Health Care Reform) or #stophcr (for those against Health Care Reform).

A future post will be dedicated to those on the right whose politweets are lighting up the twittersphere, but for now, here are some left-wing TWILFs you might want to look into:

  • @Shoq is one of the most dynamic and retweeted people on the left, whose tweets are almost always humorous and thought-provoking.
  • @Maddow is MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow who, while loved and admired by thousands, doesn’t always tweet very much, and sometimes tweets one-word tweets (“Useful!”) which connect to a link — that you may or may not have time to read through. A definite staple of the follower diet, but not necessarily the most interesting.
  • @QueerJohnPA is not just a compendium of GLBT-related news as the name may imply, but actually a committed progressive who tweets on a variety of interesting topics. His tweets are link-intensive, but almost always link to good reads.
  • @TheFakeJoeBiden – need I say more? Also see @FakeHowardDean.
  • @RyanNewYork and @DavidBadash tweet extensively about issues affecting the GLBT community, among other things.
  • You can’t speak about @Shoq without speaking about @Cody_K, another prolific tweeter on the left who, along with @Shoq, recently helped to take down a rightist twitterbomb by counter-bombing with positive input about Obama and Healthcare Reform.
  • @Buzzflash is the twitter home of BuzzFlash!, the progressive newswire. Always interesting to read. They also do guerrilla tweet-marketing, promoting their #turnoffFOX campaign to get people to turn off FOX News whenever they see it.
  • @RudePundit, while he may not always use the proper hashtags, has a thoroughly entertaining twitterfeed, with tweets such as “Best anti-Glenn Beck line I’ve heard lately: ‘He’s a demonstration of what happens in late stage syphilis.'”
  • @RayBeckerman may not have the most riveting tweets, but his dedication shows through to all his 7200 followers, and he is a good resource for green tweets.
  • @Proudlib is exactly what he says, a proud liberal whose rants pull no punches.
  • @HuffPo is the twitter home of the Huffington Post, which, while it will bombard you with a daily deluge of tweets if you follow them (I’ve had to unfollow a few times), never disappoints with interesting information.
  • @Markos is the famous Markos Moulitsas, founder of DailyKos.com.

And don’t forget, all of your favorite reporters are also on Twitter.

Politicking in 140 characters or less.

Apparently, I had mistakenly included @NaiveAbroad on the previous list. Notes from @Shoq and @cody_k as well as @mkganda have been taken into consideration and acted upon. Perhaps he’ll go into the other politweet blog.

And here are some other #p2 tweets you might want to follow in the near future:

  • @Karoli is a tweeter I should not have missed the first time. While @Karoli’s twitterfeed is not necessarily entertaining like @Shoq, it is definitely packed with information (even it is heavy on the @replies).
  • @KagroX is a #p2 tweeter with a thoroughly interesting twitterfeed, which only is logical, considering he is an editor for the illustrious DailyKos.com
  • @GottaLaff is a tweep I was turned on to by @CodyK. Thoroughly interesting, though also heavy on the @replies and light on the retweets.
  • I must admit that I was remiss in not mentioning @PourMeCoffee. While lacking in hashtags, the feed is full of quips and wit: “Joe Lieberman will french kiss you on a rooftop with Dave Matthews mixtape playing for your vote. Keep the line moving.”
  • The tweet “Lady crying ‘I want my country back’ was probably having Hee-Haw cancellation flashbacks.” is probably reason enough for any progressive to follow @OTooleFan. But the feed has over 4600 more reasons like this one.
  • And, finally, @OWillis is probably the most glaring omission. His feed is almost exclusively chock-full of facts and links, and additions — such as interesting facts one may not have known about Kirk Cameron.

Again, thanks to @Shoq, @Cody_K, and @blogdiva for the additions.


Hip-Hop You Need to Follow

It’s no secret that hiphop has had a presence on Twitter for a while now. MC Hammer has been a “default person you might like to follow” when signing up for a Twitter account for a minute. NotoriousBIG has come and gone; Tupac, Queen Latifah, and any number of hiphop greats are easily found on Twitter. The We Follow directory for hiphop boasts over 2,500 entries, the least of which not being Cypress Hill’s B-Real (only 18K followers? still slept on, maybe??).

But there are some MCs and hiphop/urban heads who you should be following just based on their tweets alone. I’m going to list only a sampling (and while don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge Busta fan, @BusaBusss isn’t the most interesting feed — even if it is a definitive place to find out how his tour is going, and that he rocks a BlackBerry) of people whose tweets alone make them Twitterers I Like to Follow:

  • @HexMurda‘s twitter feed looks just as gangsta in text as it sounds out loud. He’s left-wing politically and holds back no punches. A little heavy on the @ replies to people you might not know, but all around an entertaining feed
  • Her feed can sometimes be hit-or-miss on the entertainment value, but @SolangeKnowles feed has left me in stitches before, or actually been engaging (like when she tweeted from South-by-Southwest when I was there) more than most celebrities. Even got some of her mini-rants.
  • @DJDrama, while his twitter feed isn’t the most diverse topic-wise, definitely has creative promotion skills.
  • @DJ_GreenLantern might actually get back to you if you shout him out.
  • @RickyRuckus, an artist I’ve actually had the privilege of working with, is a good example of how to engage people on Twitter — he’s got it all: what he’s eating, who he’s eating with, what he’s doing, comments on the weather; a real insight into the artist
  • @MCKSwift is a producer I’ve been following for a while now. He drops some seriously thought-provoking tweets now and again, and includes such authentic thoughts as: “Whose idea was it to have cab drivers change shifts during rush hour?”
  • @DJChuckT is a producer I’ve been following for quite some time. His tweets are also continually real, and sums up his attitude (Twattitude?) in this tweet: “I aint’ bout to sit here and argue with you. I have no idea who you are. If you dont like what I say then hit the UNFOLLOW BUTTON!”
  • Last but not least, @MishGoddess is a lady whose twitterfeed is almost always a riot, and includes tweets like “You’re in gucci, prada, & armani… but your rhymes are fubu.” (the previous tweet was to @MyFabolousLife, any connection there, @MishGoddess? LOL).

Other people include @TeyanaTaylor (if for no other reason than because she tweets complaints about her mom, does it get more real?), @DescribeMusic (again, does it get more real than complaining about what goes on at your day job?), @CassieVentura for gems like personal tweeted prayers, @TwistaGMG (Twista), @TheDramaKing for the occasional insight.

Again, this isn’t about MCs who make good music (because then I would have to list @ImmortalTech and @BusaBusss, @MosDefOfficial, and other hiphop luminaries) or about fam (because how could I forget @Diwon, @Shemspeed, @AwkwordRap, @Eprhyme, @NossonZand, etc.?).

This is about who has the interesting twitterfeeds.


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